Are you training for an Obstacle Course Challenge?

Spartan Race Obstacle

Obstacle Course Challenges and Adventure Races are not for the light-hearted. They will test ever fibre inside you!

How ready are you?

Training for the known, unknown and unknowable!

You can learn to climb those cargo nets, ropes and jump over fire through sport specific training but will that be enough. You see, Sports Specific Preparedness (SPP) training will teach you the skills of the individual disciplines and obstacles, but what they do not do is train you in an all-weather environment that challenges you with the cold, the mud, the rain, the ice, frozen ground, rutted, rooted and slippery surfaces. Neither how to deal with the thousands of competitors and lunatics (there is always some) around you. Just consider about how the terrain is going to be once 2,000 competitors have ploughed through and left the remnants on the obstacles. Continue reading

Tough Mudder meets Tough Guy

Tough Guy Obstacle Course Challenge

I have been training hard for some months and today I decided it was time to test / evaluate fitness levels for the forthcoming Tough Guy Extreme Obstacle Course Challenge coming up for the 27 January 2013. First race for 2013.

I thought I should test it out on myself before putting any of my warriors through it!

tough_mudder_logo_2As much as you can prepare yourself, until you get out on the obstacle course you never know what you are up against and how ready you are. I couldn’t find anything about training on the Tough Guy Website.

So I went onto the Tough Mudder website, which is another extreme obstacle course challenge and found their training program. Continue reading